MVSS and its employees raised over $6,000 for the Salvation Army with the Putting for Charity event!

We had a little fun this past week all while raising some money for the Salvation Army. Miami Valley Steel’s Putting for Charity was in full force again this year!

For every $1 donation, employee gets to putt 3 golf balls. If 1 ball is made, 3 managers will donate $1 each. If 2 balls were made, they will each donate $10. If all 3 balls were made all 3 managers donated $50 each. However, there was 1 twist this year, if you are a golfer and cannot make at least 1 ball you had to donate an extra $2 for being a lousy putter!

Another Holiday tradition here at MVSS has been Shay Thompson personally going around and collecting for Salvation Army. Shay has been a MVSS employee for 33 years and been collecting for 26 of those.

Between Shay’s efforts and the putting challenge, Miami Valley Steel Service and its employees raised over $6,000 for donation to the Salvation Army this year!!